No Offense
“Oh don’t worry, I don’t get offended.”
A line I’ve heard so many times. Honestly, not being offended is a great thing. It means you’ve got enough self-identity that what others say about you doesn’t sway you. It also could mean that you’ve worked on yourself so much that you are strong in your beliefs and values, and ar not afraid to have them challenged and stand up for them.
It could also mean that you’re putting up a plate of armor to protect yourself from what is about to be said or what was already said, because you want to be able to fit in but believe you can only do so if you’re willing to take verbal beratement from others.
The question is really, which of these two scenarios best describes you.
I’ve seen situations where people claiming to “not be offended” have been harboring negative feelings towards others for years because of the way they felt they were mistreated. And yet, on a regular basis they tell everyone they don’t get offended.
Not only that, but they belive that “because I don’t get offended, therefore I can be offensive.”
As with everything, there is a fine line between what is acceptable and what is not.
There is a balance between not being offended, and letting people know when something they have said is out of line.
There is a fine line between making jokes with someone and at someone’s expense.
There’s a fine line between being funny, and being insensitive.
But throughout it all, a sense of decency is needed.
So at the end of the day, if you’re saying “I don’t get offended” that may in fact be the case, but make sure it’s the truth, and it’s not your way of concealing your true feelings. And if someone does say something that you find offensive, ask yourself why.
What is it about what they said that you found offensive? Was it indeed offensive or are you taking it personally?
And at the end of it all, communicate to the other when they’ve overstepped their bounds.
Who knows, maybe they too dont get offended.