You’re Still Standing
Despite all the challenges you've faced, and the hardships you've experienced, one truth remains.
You are here on this planet today. Still.
That means you have a purpose, a mission. And that G-d is with you.
Help Yourself
“In case of a loss in cabin pressure, please secure your own mask before assisting those around you.”
You can’t possibly help others to stay afloat when you yourself are drowning. As men we feel it is our obligation to ensure that others are thriving. But we can’t do that if we a drowning, gasping for air.
Baby Steps & Consistency
The key to achieving greatness is not in taking big leaps. Rather it lies within small consistent steps forward on a daily basis.
Build Your Tribe
The greatest lie ever told is that “I’m a self made man”.
If we all stopped trying to do it alone, and stepped into the power of togetherness, we’d accomplish out goals a lot quicker.
On Setting Boundaries
The choice between siding with your spouse or siding with your parent is seemingly an easy one. And yet it is the source of so much strife in relationships.
No Offense
When someone says “I don’t get offended”, chances are they do get offended, they just don’t want to admit it.
The reality is, if we are going to tell people we don’t get offended, we have to actually mean it.
When Chaos Ensues
You have a choice when faced with the tornado of chaos. You can remain inside and let it drag you around. Or you can step outside and gain control. Either way it is your life.
Fact or Fear
You can choose to give up on your dreams because of the “what ifs” of fear, or you can choose to face them head on and discover they were fake all along.
The Power of Perspective
Being a father and husband requires immense patience in the face of challenges. One of those challenges is when people say or do things that can throw us for a loop. Learning how to view the situation and person from a different perspective can benefit both you and the other person.
Balance & Swing
You can spend your lifetime avoiding the challenges you’re presented with. Or you can learn to embrace the swing, and enjoy the breeze.
The Two Wolves
There comes a point in time, where we must choose between one of two options. We feel pressured into choosing one of the two. What we often neglect to see is that often there is a third option. The key is in finding that option and following it.
Stuck in the Mud
You can’t solve your problems by staying stuck in the mud and beating yourself up.
Seeing Beyond the Lines
What if you looked beyond what IS and saw what COULD be.
What if you took the world’s expectations and rules and threw them out for a better life.
Identifying the Lines
Everybody and their mom will tell you have to live your life. Chances are you’ll believe them too. It’s not your fault if you’ve been living that way until now. But it’s your responsibility to break free of it now that you know it’s a problem.
In the beginning…
We are all bound to make mistakes in our life. The question is how we will choose to view those mistakes. Will we look at them as failures that weigh us down. Or will we look at them as ways for us to improve for the future.